Sandra Boorne


Welcome to my world of art! I am Sandra Boorne, a visual artist based in Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec. I have been creating art my entire life and love to explore the beauty of the world around me.
As an artist, I am in constant search of the connection between the visual on paper or canvas, the physical movements used in the process, the emotion of interpretation as the instinctual takes hold, and the final satisfaction of a process which comes to a fruitful conclusion.
I hope to evoke an emotional response or a distant memory to those who view my work.
What I paint is an artist’s rendition of the original. I’m not replicating but attempting to create this connection through a unique perspective. I paint from instinct and wait for the forms to guide me to their destination. Many inspirations, both physical and esoteric are part of each piece. I use antique papers and stamps in my collages which inhabit each piece. I build layers and scrape away history as the painting evolves, finishing with mark making in response to the final colour choices.
2021-present Art instructor Compass Speakers
April 2022 - Watercolour Instructor Cunard Queen Mary 2
2016 - Solo Watercolour show / Expo en solo, Cascapedia Museum, Cascapedia Saint-Jules, Quebec, Canada
2015 - Open House, Complexe du Canal Lachine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2016 - Open House, Complexe du Canal Lachine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2017 - Open House, Complexe du Canal Lachine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2018 - Open House, Complexe du Canal Lachine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2018 - Exposition “AQUA”, Complexe du Canal Lachine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2019 - Dual Exhibition/ Exposition en duo “Deux-Arts” , Centre d’Art EK Voland, Montréal, Quebec, Canada
2019 - Group Exhibition/ Exposition de groupe “Encore Vert”, Centre d’Art EK Voland, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2019 - Group Exhibition and Fundraiser for Famijeunes/ Exposition de groupe et Levée de Fonds pour Famijeunes, Saint-Henri. Centre d’Art EK Voland, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2019 - Founding member, “Les Artistes de Saint-Henri”, fundraising group. Membre fondateur, “Les Artistes de Saint-Henri” groupe de levée de fonds.
2020 - Group Exhibition "Winds of Change", Centre d’Art EK Voland, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2020 - RAW artists - National Arts Drive Participant
2021- Group Exhibition - Womens Art Society Of Montreal "Kaleidoscope"
2022 - Salon d'Automne - Musee des Beaux Arts du Mont Saint-Hilaire - participant
2023 - Quail Ridge Country Club - Group exhibition
2023 - 4 Palettes - Galerie Erga, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2023 - Tout en Fleurs - Centre d’Art EK Voland, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2014 - Winner/Gagnante Winsor and Newton competition “Expressions of Winter” London, UK
2020 - Second place Juried exhibition "Winds of Change" Centre d’Art EK Voland, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2020 - ArtWe online - chosen as one of 4 Summer Picks.
2018 - ArtBomb Online Auction Site, representing Canadian Artists. Site d'enchères en ligne qui représente des Artistes Canadiens.
2019 - 2022 Oeuvres recrées sur mode Art-a-Porter, Le Galeriste, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Artwork recreated on Art-a-Porter fashion items, Le Galeriste, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2019 - Collaboration with Nathon Kong, Montreal menswear designer. Collaboration avec Nathon Kong, créateur de mode masculine, Montréal.
2020 ArtWe online Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2020 - present. Gallea online art gallery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1980 - Dawson College, DEC Graphics
2008 - ITA- Saint-Hyacinthe, Environmental landscaping Program
2010-2015 - Visual Arts Centre, Watercolour and Studio Drawing
2023 _ Creative Visionary Program - Art 2 Life
Musée de la Rivière Cascapedia, Cascapedia Saint-Jules, Québec, Canada
Raymond James Head Office, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Private Collections-Collections privées USA, France, Canada, UK