Past Lectures - WASM's 128th Season
Scroll down below for those lectures you missed, or to watch again!

For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.

Meagan Milatz - Piano
Meagan Milatz and Julia Mirzoev - September 14, 2021
- Violin & Piano: Voices Heard
Two extremely talented young artists collaborate to bring us a program of contemporary music, including works by Canadian composers Elizabeth Raum and Ana Sokolovic.

Julia Mirzoev - Violin

For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.

Melanie Grondin - Author
“The Art and Passion of Guido”! Mélanie’s book The Art and Passion of Guido Nincheri surveys the work of a master stained-glass window and fresco artist who lived and worked here in Montreal.
Mélanie Grondin is a writer, editor, and translator living on the South Shore of Montreal. She holds an MA in Medieval Studies from the University of Leeds (UK) and is the editor of the Montreal Review of Books.
Melanie Grondin - October 5th 2021 - The Art and Passion of Guido Nicheri

Moridja Kitenge Banza is a multi disciplinary visual artist. He has recently exhibited a full show at the National Gallery of Canada, and has works and installations in museums and public buildings all over the world, including the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Banza’s diverse artistic practice reveals the plurality of identities of the artist himself. He reflects on the complex cultural identities through which immigrant populations navigate.

Moridja Kitenge Banza - Multi-Disciplinary Visual Artist
Artist website :
Moridja Kitenge Banza - October 19th 2021 - Territory, Memory and History. One Thousand and One Ways to Talk About it.
Due to technical issues, the recording for this lecture is in 3 parts.
For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above on each individual video. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.

Conor Sampson - Lighting Artist and CS Designer
For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above on the video. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.
Conor Sampson - November 2nd 2021 -Quality of Light : Architecture and Environment.
Connor approaches lighting from the perspective of the architect and the artist. He seeks to complement and elevate architecture and landscape through discerning illumination.
Artist website:
See-saw project discussed in the lecture and featured in the image above is captured on video on this website.
Please visit to see more!

Jean Marc Duchesne- November 16, 2021 - Artist, Filmmaker, Photographer, Journalist, Educator
Am I the story I create and express? Am I not also integrating and reshaping other narratives in the process? Structured with a beginning, a middle, and an ending, stories help construct a raison d’être. My version does include Walt Disney Studios, Dalaï-Lama, Las Vegas, Indigenous mixed heritage, Gémeaux awards, three children, documenting historical events, and teaching First Nations youth. I have acquired multiple diplomas and awards in FINE ARTS, DIGITAL ARTS, MULTIMEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS, JOURNALISM, and EDUCATION, yet it isn’t titles nor accomplishments that are my defining features—curiosity, creativity, resilience and connection with others are.

Jean Marc Duchesne- Artist, Filmmaker, Photographer, Educator
For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.
Jean-Marc Duchesne You Tube Channel:
DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2021: a short film that JBES students made in 2020-21 as their final project. (
Also, here is the link to additional JBES student videos (JBES Media Arts, Chisasibi) created from past years:
ICE WALKER (photograph): Music composition by Michel Cusson inspired by my photo. This demonstrates how an static image can become part of another artist's story. (
Finally, the three final photos I presented yesterday (Ice Walker, Swirling Tipi & Enter the Light) are presently part of a fund raising exhibition at the Native-Immigrant Gallery in NDG ( Each photo along with other artist works are available for purchase during the showing (Nov. 18-Dec.23), in order to raise money for this nonprofit art collective whose mission is to build bridges beween immigrants and First Nations.

Bob Walkenhorst has been a presence in the American music scene for over 30 years. As songwriter and lead singer for the critically acclaimed rock band The Rainmakers, Bob's unique vocals and viewpoints have gathered him a dedicated following. Bob is also a painter. Bob began exhibiting paintings in shows around Kansas City in the 1980's, and in several national art shows across the U.S. Bob's paintings are very connected to his songs. Scenes of farmlands, woods, and people from the Midwestern United States are his favorite subjects.

For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.
Artist Website:

Bob Walkenhorst-Singer, Songwriter, and Artist
Bob Walkenhorst- February 8 2022- Singer, Songwriter, and Artist

Anna Binta Diallo is a Canadian multi-disciplinary visual artist who investigates memory and nostalgia to create unexpected narratives surrounding identity. She was born in Dakar (Senegal, 1983) and raised in Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg on the traditional territory of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally including exhibitions in Winnipeg, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Central Finland, and Berlin. Anna Binta Diallo has been the recipient of multiple grants and honours, notably from The Canada Council for the Arts, The Conseil des Arts et des litters du Québec, and Francofonds.
For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.

Visit her website and view her work here :

Anna Binto Diallo- Multi-disiplinary Visual Artist
Anna Binto Diallo- February 22 2022- Multi-disciplinary Visual Artist

Carolina is a sculptor, and the Founder and Artistic Director at Native Immigrant. Native Immigrant is a community-based, nonprofit art collective whose mission is to build bridges between immigrants and First Nations through art and story telling.

Visit her website and view her work here :

For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.
Carolina Echeverria -Native Immigrant Collective
Carolina Echeverria- March 1 2022- Native Immigrant Collective

Louis E Leprohon lives in Saint-Lazare, Quebec. After graduating from Loyola College with a Bachelor of Arts, he worked in sales, marketing and advertising in Canada and England. He founded L.E.L. Marketing in 1979, an integrated communications agency with offices in Montreal and Toronto, working with multinational corporations in Canada and the United States. Apart from living for a few years in Vancouver, Toronto and England, he has resided in Quebec all his life.
Businessman, history buff and lifelong enthusiast of the arts and culture, he describes the exceptional talent and work of Marcel Dargis. Having known him for over 25 years, he brings to the forefront the artist’s passions, and emotions in preserving a unique part of Quebec’s cultural heritage. This is his second book.
To buy his latest books please email your name and address to Louis' personal email:
Cost: $20 plus $7 for postage and handling for a total of $27.

Louis E Leprohon- Writer and Historian
For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.
Louis E Leprohon- March 22 2022-Writer and Historian

With nearly 20 years of experience in the film industry, Producer, Writer, and Director Karen Cho is renowned for her socially-engaged documentaries that explore themes of identity, immigration, and social justice. Most notably, she has directed the award-winning documentary In the Shadow of Gold Mountain (2004) and The Unfinished Business of Feminism in Canada (2012). In 2018, she was nominated for a Best Directing Canadian Screen Award for her work on Interrupt This Program.
See Karen Cho's shared resources below:

Karen Cho- Documentary Filmmaker
For the Zoom recording of our event, click the play button above. To see the full screen version, click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the video player once you have pressed play.
Karen Cho - April 5th 2022 - Documentary Filmmaker: Chinatown History

View her website below:

Nicole Gratton- Painter