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Art Show 2022 Winners
Prize Winners and Honorable Mentions
Congratulations to the prize winners and the artists awarded honorable mentions!

Julia Pomeroy
First Prize Winner
"A Safe Place"

Deena Dlusy-Apel
Second Prize Winner
"X-Ray of Teeth Abstracted"

Elaine Ngendo
Third Prize Winner
"Matter of Time"

Garfield Morgan
Best of Theme Prize
"The Real Monarch"

Shaheen Munir
Honorable Mention
"Phillis Webstad’s Orange Shirt, Unmarked Graves Will Never be Forgotten, Will Always be with Us, We Will Fight for You"

Honourable Mention
"A Multiplicate Half"

Jackie Wloski
Honorable Mention
"Owl #1 and the Offset Version"

Marilyn Rubenstein
Honorable Mention
"She's Here"

Stanley Wasilewski
Honorable Mention
"Chrysalis – Man's Creation"

Sophie Bisaillon
Honorable Mention
"L'Heure Bleue"

Norma Akkelian
Honorable Mention
"Into the Mystic"

Meta Maclean
Honorable Mention
"Going Beyond"

Jad Al-Nasrallah
Honorable Mention

Elizabeth Elkin
Honorable Mention

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