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Community Events:

Les Journées de la culture célèbrent leurs 25 ans sur le thème du Voyage dans le temps. Orchestrés par Culture pour tous, ces trois jours d'activités gratuites et ouvertes à tous favorisent un plus grand accès de la population aux arts et à la culture.
24, 25, 26 SEPTEMBRE 2021 : https://www.journeesdelaculture.qc.ca/
A nod to musicians - Homecoming Coffee House, Concordia University.
Friday, September 24, 7 – 8:30 p.m. (Eastern time)

Celebrate the talent that is Concordia at this one-of-a-kind virtual coffee house featuring DJ Chris Tan, Dawn Tyler Watson, Patrick Lehman, Willis Pride, Matt Holubowski, Ali Omar El-Farouk Enaam, Corey Thomas and Emily Reuangrith (Ziyíng).
Register here: Homecoming Coffee House (concordia.ca)
The full list of activities: Homecoming 2021 (concordia.ca)
News from the WAAC:
The Canadian Society of Decorative Arts is holding an Online Auction to raise funds to maintain and increase their programming. Bidding opens on Wednesday, September 22 and runs until 7 pm on October 1. Preview of AUCTION SITE
Hillary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction is given annually for excellence in the category of Literary non-fiction. Click to see 2021 Finalists
Luminous 2021 Photography exhibition at Heliconian Hall September 30 to November 3. Reception Saturday October 2, 12-5 pm with background chamber music. Please register for the In-Person reception here: https://torontoheliconianclub.wildapricot.org/event-4451666
ART for Cancer Free Workshops: Artbarn School is now managing the ART for Cancer monthly workshops. If you are living with cancer and would like to relax with some art these 1.5 hour Sunday virtual art workshops might help. Just go to this link to register with Artbarn.
CENTRED features Acclaimed local London artists Clare and Kevin Bice. Also featured is Jeff Willmore – Exploring Landscapes.
Royal Ontario Museum: Enter a trip for two to Newfoundland & Labrador to see Whales, Birds and Bergs! Prize includes flights, an 8-day itinerary including accommodations, rental car, boat tours. Also, don’t miss the ROM's newest exhibition Great Whales: Up Close and Personal, showcasing their beloved blue whale alongside two new iconic North Atlantic skeletons: the critically endangered right whale and the deep diving sperm whale. Find out more

More on Rod Trider:
Join Chemistry PhD student Jeremy Dawkins on Sept 25 at 10:00am for the launch of Atomes crochus, a unique guided walk around Montreal’s downtown streets. Explore the chemistry of buildings, materials, and colours as you follow clues to identify a mystery chemical. Offered through l’UQAM’s Coeur des sciences. Ages 12 and up. In French and in person. This activity is booked solid, but you can keep posted - maybe there will be other tours in the near future or a possible outing for WASM members.

Home Renovation Lessons – New edition! Fall 2021: October 26 to November 18, 2021.

Until October 1, the series of 8 lessons is $349 for Heritage Montreal members (instead of $429 at the regular rate).
Go here for more information and to register: Héritage Montreal - Home Renovation Lessons (heritagemontreal.org)
Join us for The Salt Spring National Art Prize (SSNAP) Exhibition of Canadian Visual Art at historic Mahon Hall, Salt Spring Island, BC, September 25 - October 25, 2021!

Viewers across Canada will also have the opportunity to view finalists' artworks on our website, revealed to the public, on September 24, 6pm. In addition, online visitors will have the opportunity to vote in the BMO People's Choice Awards and to purchase the finalists' artwork!
Art Sale - Graziella Creations RESERVE YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME!

You might recognize Graziella Malagoni’s name from when she had her own fashion label “Graziella,” from when she co-designed collections with Jean Claude Poitras, or from her many art exhibits. She has worked with various techniques and materials over the last sixty years, and it is time for her to close her studio and make her artworks available to YOU!
Photos of artworks are posted on our Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/4517439961634045
Dates: September 24 to October 8, 2021 Hours: 10 am to 12 pm AND 2 pm to 5 pm DAILY Location: 2608 Augustin-Cantin St, Montreal, QC H3K 1E1
To avoid overcrowding, we ask that you to select an appointment time that works for you here: https://calendly.com/graziellamalagoni/art-sale
You can find out more about Graziella here: www.graziellamalagoni.com and download the Art Sale Flyer.
Omaid Sharifi, artist and co-founder of ArtLords — a non-profit organization that uses street art to promote messages of hope and peace — shares his story of escaping Kabul and what the Taliban takeover means for artists in Afghanistan.

An Afghan Artist Fears for The Future of His Craft with The Taliban In Control (NPR and Getty Images)
LOOKING FOR THE DANCE: The photography of Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Lighthouse Immersive
North American Premiere. September 18 to October 17, 2021.
Nothing fills our creative flowing hearts more than seeing our city embracing the arts and culture scene once again. The latest announcement includes two exhilarating new installations coming this September. As the city cautiously re-opens, we’re excited to learn that The Photography of Mikhail Baryshnikov: Looking For The Dance and TOUCH, a new immersive dance work from Guillaume Côté and Thomas Payette are slated to open in one of the most fascinating spaces in the city. Both installations will be housed at the former Toronto Star printing press warehouse at One Yonge Street. Yes, it’s also where the Immersive Van Gogh experience and the Jamie Allan’s Illusionarium, both produced by Lighthouse Immersive, are currently wowing locals and tourists alike.