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WASM Events and Art Show - turn up your speakers to hear the accompanying music:
WASM Artists - turn up your speakers to hear the accompanying music:
Community Events:
Cooking with Veena!
Not just an intro. to Indian cooking, but also a rendez-vous with Indian culture. After we have cooked, tasting spices, inhaling aromas, admiring the colours, we will have a meal together & chat, with Indian music playing in the background.
Please send Veena an email at or call 514-839-8264.
Hello from the artists of Art by the Water.
We sincerely hope this finds you well during this very difficult time. Art by the Water, traditionally held in April at the Beaconsfield Yacht Club is once again postponed. However, as artists, we are still actively painting and are delighted to attach a few of our creations to this letter for you to enjoy.
If you have any questions or would like to purchase a painting, please contact us by replying to this email. Until we can meet again at the yacht club, please stay safe and we wish you all the very best.
Warm Regards, Leslie Portsmouth, Audrey Riley, Valeria Szabo
A very special photographer:
ICARUS: A Falling of Birds - A series of artworks and chapbook with long-time collaborator Harry Thurston.
On the night of September 13th, 2013, a flock of songbirds on their migratory journey south were attracted, like moths to a flame, to a hundred-foot-high flare at the Canaport Liquefied Natural Gas plant in Saint John, New Brunswick. The result was tragic, with 7,500 to 10,000 birds of twenty-six species — mostly wood warblers, including the endangered Canada Warbler — being killed by the heat. In 2015, Canaport LNG accepted full responsibility for the bird mortality and were fined $750,000 under the Migratory Birds Convention Act and the Species at Risk Act. The photographic work comprises of 200+ individual birds that were part of the killing on September 13th.
Interview on CBC:
Photographer Thaddeus Holownia, right, and poet Harry Thurston partnered on a book about the thousands of birds that died after flying toward a flare stack in Saint John. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)
The fate of thousands of songbirds that died near the Canaport LNG flare stack in east Saint John in September 2013 has been memorialized in a book by two Maritime artists.
Photographs by Thaddeus Holownia:
Holownia’s work gives permission to see beyond the obvious and the mundane. His photographs hint at untold, unseen stories, latent in the world around us. He asks his viewers to quiet their lives and minds, to seek out the faces in the fire and the wolves in the rocks. Holownia’s work proves Thoreau’s point that what matters is what you see, and in his seeing we are able to look at the world in a new way, to feel ourselves suspended in the passage of time, resilient like a tree in a storm.
Sarah Fillmore, The Nature of Nature, The Photographs of Thaddeus Holownia 1976–2016, February, 2017