The Pandemic hit, I offered free art workshops, The Doodle Challenge. This video is a summary of that experience.
As a teaching artist, I lost all my contracts and revenue stream in March, but what's been more difficult is the loss of contact with students and my social circle. There are friends I haven't seen for months.
A Statistics Canada report issued in 2014 cited not only the negative mental and physical health issues of isolation but the domino effect that extends to the greater community. This is true for young and old.
As they enter the virtual art room, I ask partakers to write their first name. No one must do this. Perhaps they prefer to be on mute or not on camera. All are respected. I introduce myself, pan around my studio so they can see where I am and what I do and explain the art activity. During our time together, some talk and share thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Others are quietly working away. They come into my workshop and I am happy to be in their company.
Bonne journée. L'art fait du bien - Have a wonderful day.

Art feels good. Dierdre.