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Listing of services offered by our members

This page will be dedicated to listing the business and services that our members offer. The goal is to help them publicise their offerings so that they may be able to support themselves. It gives the chance to have members support each other also by encouraging local small business.

Disclaimer: Please note that this will be just a listing, and in no way is it a recommendation of any service. It is up to the user to contact the member directly and make an assessment on their own.


Submission is open to any WASM member. If you have a business or a side-line, please send a description via e-mail to:


Please include:


1. Your name


2.The name of the business or service, and a one to 2 sentence description (if applicable)


3.An online location for people to get more information (such as a website or facebook page) if applicable


4. A way for people to reach you directly, such as an e-mail. Because this website is not restricted, we disrecommend publishing phone numbers, but if you do please be advised that WASM takes no responsibility to ensure your privacy.


5. You may also include up to 2 photos if desired. these must be in .jpeg format.


Please make sure that your text is in a copy/pasteable format as they will be copied as is. We cannot accept PDF submissions or attachments.



Please NOTE : If you have been a member of the WASM in the last year but have not paid your annual dues due to financial concerns, please send in the announcement anyway. We maintain a list of members from last year, and all who were on the list are automatically approved for this site.



WASM reserves the right to refuse the posting of any business or service deemed inappropriate or incompatible with the values of the society. (In general, we will not accept anything that is illegal, exploitative, or detrimental to any of the social causes we support.)

Copyright © 2024 The Women's Art Society of Montreal. All rights reserved.

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